Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome to Mission in Church

Welcome to Mission in Church

Greeting in the name of our Lord and Saviors   Jesus.
We want to introduce” Himalayan Hope church “ministry.  This ministry was established 14th Feb, 2005, and this ministry is fully   dedicated to the people who have heard the Bible and serve God.  We have opportunities in many areas of the ministry. Nepal has largest communists in Hinduism, Buddhism and other Hindu cult. People they practice idol worship and sacrifice the animal blood to be free from sin. They worship of evil spirit is very famous in Nepal because of that   many people are in darkness.  So we request to prayer for this ministry in Nepal.
The Himalayan Hope Church Ministry mainly focus in evangelism in Nepal ( matt 28:18-20) and we have many areas for the Ministry opportunities like Church Planting, Leadership Training Development, Children’s Ministries, women’s Ministries,  Prayer for the Sick, Literature Evangelism, Cottage Meetings, Participating in the ministry of local churches, Teaching Sunday School to youth groups, Participating in music fellowship during church services, working to improve conditions in the local community through home construction, environmental health education, House Visitations  etc.
Today as a result of which many new souls are getting saved in the body of Christ Jesus. Due to this very fact of blessing we have been able to pioneer church in various places of Nepal. Missions groups and volunteers are also encouraged to consider combining parts of the other programs, such as teaching English and the Orphanage program, here is our humble request to our faithful friends and family in the Lord Jesus Christ do not quit praying for the work that has been going on in here and be partners in sharing the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ to people in Nepal

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